
Beautiful stained glass.

In Fort Collins, stained glass is usually thought of in reference to churches or perhaps old historic style homes with a bit of stained glass over the front door or in a hallway window. It is our mission to bring the most beautiful stained glass to Fort Collins homes and...

For a less permanent solution

Why would someone commission a piece of stained glass that is meant to be hung, as opposed to installed permanently into a window or door? Perhaps they are looking for something less permanent. Hanging stained glass panels are usually hung on chains, from hooks, so they are easily moved. (more…)

The gift of custom stained glass.

Have you ever considered giving a stained glass gift? There are so many occasions in modern life that require gift giving. And so many people who struggle to find something fabulous, something personalized, something their recipient will truly appreciate. After all, we really all have so much stuff. Do we...