Beautiful stained glass.

Beautiful stained glass.

In Fort Collins, stained glass is usually thought of in reference to churches or perhaps old historic style homes with a bit of stained glass over the front door or in a hallway window. It is our mission to bring the most beautiful stained glass to Fort Collins homes and commercial spaces. And our mission to educate our potential customers as to just how big a difference this stunning glass art form really makes to the look, feel, atmosphere, and aesthetics of a space.

Here at Fort Collins Stained Glass, we have a certain reverence for the work of the craftsmen who came before us. We continue to study the masters and sometimes even expand upon their work. For instance, many of our clients love the stained glass art of the architects Greene and Greene or Frank Lloyd Wright. We will use these masters’ designs as inspiration, as a starting point to create something new, but in the same vein, for our admiring clients.

Did you know Frank Lloyd Wright referred to his stained glass windows as “light screens?” The name seems appropriate, doesn’t it?

Click here to take a look at some of the Wright inspired stained glass windows we have created for our customers in the last two decades.

At Fort Collins Stained Glass, we are also big fans of the brothers Greene and Greene and their unique, evocative stained glass designs.

Ft. Collins Stained Glass Hallway 14

Click here to take a look at some of the Greene and Greene inspired stained glass windows we have created for our customers to date.

If you looked at both pages, we think you’ll agree that the two styles could not be more different in appearance. One style might appeal to you much more than another. Because we are so passionate about stained glass, and so determined to bring our clients in Fort Collins stained glass that perfectly fits their tastes and their homes, we work in a wide array of different styles.

We find them all beautiful. There’s something about the sun shining through a stained glass window, reflecting and refracting in the room . . . There’s something about the way the patterns form in the glass, the small bright translucent pieces of glass carefully held together with the dark, solid strips of lead . . . We believe nothing adds beauty or style the way stained glass does.

At Fort Collins Stained Glass, all our work is custom, so you will have the exact style that you find most beautiful, in the exact size and shape of your window or door panel. What do you find beautiful about stained glass? Do you love modern designs, classic or traditional designs, unique or eclectic designs?

Fort Collins Stained Glass would love the opportunity to show you what we can do to beautify your home or office, so please contact us today.

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