Custom designed stained glass.

Custom designed stained glass.

For residents of Fort Collins, stained glass is not just a traditional adornment of churches and cathedrals. It is a way to enhance the décor of their homes and businesses as well. Here at Fort Collins Stained Glass, we have a couple of mottos:

1. Where there’s glass, there can be stained glass.

2. If you dream it, we can turn it into a reality.

Perhaps you have long wanted stained glass windows or doors in your home, but have contented yourself with some small hanging stained glass piece picked up online or in a big box store. When you work with us, you will receive custom work. You’ll work with one of our local Fort Collins designers to collaborate on the design. And that design can be in absolutely any style that you like. It can complement your home’s architecture or period, or it can simply be a style you have always admired.

For instance, are you an antiques lover? We can do brand new, custom stained glass in the antique style, or even in a replica of an actual antique stained glass window.

Click here to see our Antique Scottish Collection of windows, imported from Scotland and lovingly repaired and restored. (By the way, if you have stained glass windows that are in need of restoration or cleaning, we provide those services as well.) Many of these designs can be made as replicas to fit your own windows.

Ft. Collins Stained Glass Transoms 239

Here are some of our most popular Fort Collins stained glass styles:

Mission Style, usually associated with Frank Lloyd Wright

Celtic Style, with its beautiful flowing lines

Art Deco, still popular after nearly a century

Floral designs, to bring a bit of color and the natural world indoors
Antique style, as previously mentioned

But please remember: since we are working custom, we can do any style, including your own personal style that is completely unique to you. If you can sketch it, photograph it, or describe it to one of our designers, we can create the pattern and build it. Let Fort Collins Stained Glass bring your idea into fruition!

For some ideas, why not take a look at our stained glass photo galleries.

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