Our Experience as Fort Collins’ Stained Glass Repair Experts

stained glass repair experts fort collins

Our Experience as Fort Collins’ Stained Glass Repair Experts

Did you know that our company has completed over 70,000 stained glass installations? That’s a lot of glass! And many of these have been full restorations that require numerous repairs. Stained glass repair is one of the many areas in which our company excels and has dedicated significant amounts of our time to.

As Fort Collins’ leading experts, we understand that stained glass repair is a highly intricate process that requires vast attention to detail. That’s why it’s important that clients seek the assistance of a qualified and experience repair company like ours. Here’s everything you need to know about our repair services.

Our Experience in Stained Glass Repair

Our experience in stained glass repair goes all the way back to our origins and beginning as a company. Fort Collins Stained Glass is owned by Martin Faith, a glazier from Glasgow, Scotland, the stained glass capitol of the world. Martin began learning about stained glass windows at a young age and was taught the art of glassmaking by a talented artist in his community. He began practicing the art himself and started his own collection of antique stained glass. He brought this collection, along with his knowledge and skill, with him when he moved to Colorado.

Martin started his own stained glass company and quickly experienced success. People were amazed by the beautiful windows he made. His company grew and he began offering more specialized services, including repair and restoration. Many churches began asking for his help with fixing their antique windows.

Now, our company is regarded as one of the most qualified stained glass repair studios in the country. In addition to a wealth of knowledge, we also possess over 500 years of combined industry experience. That’s why Ft Collins residents choose us for stained glass repair.

About Our Services

Our repair services are available to property owners all throughout Colorado and include:

  • Church stained glass restoration
  • Residential stained glass repair
  • Hail damage repair for stained glass
  • Antique stained glass restoration
  • Get a Quote

    Get a quote on stained glass repair in Fort Collins today! Call our office to get more information!

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